Bill Riski is a retired USAF Officer and systems engineer. His hobbies include history, photography, writing, and travel. Maintaining this website is a labor of love for the Dataw Historic Foundation in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, where he and his wife now live.

Restoration and Old Dathaw Island, Beaufort Gazette, Feb 23, 1928 by N.L. Willet

Reporter N.L. Willet begins her article thusly, “Restoration work appeals to my soul and in the doing of it, I am having the time of my life.” So said Miss Kate Gleason of Rochester, New York (and of Beaufort) to Miss Elizabeth Sanders of Montclair, N. J., and myself, who were her guests for the day, as we were all sitting on the top of the cabin of the “Blanche.” This short article goes on to outline the dreams of Miss Kate Gleason for Dataw (today’s spelling) Island some 90 years ago.

A New Era

ALCOA purchased Dataw Island in 1983, determined to build a premier residential community. This is a copy of the wall display you see when visiting our History & Learning Center on Dataw Island.

Dataw Island Street Name Origins

This paper was written long ago and never finished, but it’s interesting none the less. Every wonder how Island Circle East & West got their names?  Did you know when you cross the entry bridge to Dataw you go over Curisha Creek? And guess where Pee Dee Point has its origins?  In the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina!

These are just some of the interesting facts you’ll discover in the attached document. And if you can help clarify any of this, please contact any of your DHF board members.

Tabby Tattler 2018 Fall

Family Reunion of the Sams Family, President’s Report, DHF 20th Anniversary Celebration Honors its Members, Visitors to the History & Learning Center, VAC Holiday Boutique, DHF Board 2018, Members 2018, Dataw Heritage Walk form.