ALCOA purchased Dataw Island in 1983, determined to build a premier residential community. Meticulous attention was given to preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the island and its moss-draped live oaks, ponds, and saltwater marshes. This beauty and bounty continues to make the island a unique and special place to live.

Articles from this era address the period 1983 to the present.

Dataw Island Street Name Origins

This paper was written long ago and never finished, but it’s interesting none the less. Every wonder how Island Circle East & West got their names?  Did you know when you cross the entry bridge to Dataw you go over Curisha Creek? And guess where Pee Dee Point has its origins?  In the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina!

These are just some of the interesting facts you’ll discover in the attached document. And if you can help clarify any of this, please contact any of your DHF board members.

Dataw Historic Foundation Honored by Historic Beaufort Foundation

The Dataw Historic Foundation has received a major preservation award from Historic Beaufort Foundation in recognition of its work in preserving the Sams Plantation historic site and creation of an interpretive center, both located centrally on the 867-acre community of Dataw Island. Historic Beaufort Foundation Trustee Rob Montgomery and Executive Director, Maxine Lutz, presented the “Preservation Honor Award” to the Dataw Historic Foundation, accepted on the group’s behalf by their president, Marilyn Peck.